The development of a govtech innovation ecosystem is a policy for prosperity, as well as for the efficiency of the Public Administration.
Govtech means better public services at a lower cost (-50% time spent by citizens, -60% costs for the gov), better management of public goods also at a local level and greater accessibility. All this through the development of strategic businesses and technologies which generate growth and a higher quality of the employment in the territories.
27% of Italian NRRP funds are dedicated to govtech and the topic is high on the agenda of the EU, the World Bank and the IMF.
Italy has all it takes to become a govtech leader and reap the full benefits from this.
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Regione Lombardia
Economic Development Council Member
Urban Innovators Global
Founder and Partner
former Chief Digital Officer
City of Rotterdam
Urban AI
City quitter
Arexpo SpA
Director of External Relations and Communication
Bocconi University
Associate Professor
Department of Social Sciences and Policies
Executive Vice President, Strategic Growth and Global Lead, Gov Engagement
Presidency of the Council of Ministers
Chief Innovation Officer Department for Digital Transformation
University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucerne
Head of Competence Center Research in Design and Management
Head of Startup
& Challenge Programs
Urban Tech Expert and Public-Private Executive
Former Advisor to the Mayor of New York City on Tech, Innovation and Internationalization
PagoPA Spa Payment Platform | Digital Services | Public Sector
Chief Commercial Officer
City of Milan
Coordinator of the Board for Technological Innovation and Digital Transformation
Vice President Government Industry Lead
Intellera Consulting
Partner, EU Account Lead
The World Bank
Practice Manager for Public Administration, Governance Global Practice
Fondazione ISMU ETS
Senior Researcher e Project Manager
Italian Tech Alliance
General Director
Talent Garden
Global Director Talent Garden Innovation School
European Commission
Programme Officer
A2A Illuminazione Pubblica
Managing Director
Policy Analyst, Digital Government
General Director
Presidenza del Consiglio dei Ministri
Member of the Committee on Artificial Intelligence, founding partner and VP of Talent Garden
Regione Lombardia
General Director of Economic Development
Senior Strategy & Business Development Italy Public Sector
Italian Government
Member of Parliament
City of Milan
Head of Technological and Digital Innovation
City of Turin
Digital Innovation Expert
Confcommercio Lombardia
Secretary General
Cassa Depositi e Prestiti
Responsabile Competence Center Digitalizzazione
Feel and Hokuto
We are an operational think tank on GovTech and innovation in the public system.
We believe that public institutions can lead human progress, explore new frontiers, enable the innovators, and mobilize the resources needed to address the challenges we are facing as citizens and businesses - from systemic implications to daily life - positively shaping the digital transformation that is taking place.
Feel is a space to feel, imagine and decode innovation for public goods and services.